The move was not quite as planned..... having all got S&D on the actual day was not the best.. but we are in. and had some amazing friends help along the way.. who all in turn then got S&D! ( sorry :( ..)
James has taken a long time to settle... well it seems like long time to me... its now day 12 in the new house... he still hates the dining room and this week i aim to paint it a different colour.... magnolia in fcat. ( you cant beat a bit of magnolia! LOL )
its currently a dark green .. ish... its an ok colour, but James covers his eyes when he want to walk through it to the conservatory.. it has to go.
Bedtime is AMAZING... not so much for James but certainly for harry.. that vibrating mattress has to be the best 100 I have ever spent........ 7.30... after being bathed and a little ' its time for bed song' i turn the mattress on to voice activated.. he cries, it comes on, he's silent within 2 Min's..... OMG its a god send... although i can tell you that 31st of march in the morning, not only did i cry so much coz we were leaving but it also meant giving up breast feeding... for good and just like that...... i guess ( i don't guess i know) that in fact it was me putting it off.. and the lack of being able to keep them separate at night from stopping waking each other up. But certainly for Harry the move has done him the world of good :)
I'm sure with time James will settle. but currently on a full day of crying, being angry, destructive.... but the show must go on as they say.. and it will...... patience Patience Patience.. and some times just having to walk away! :)
So you like what you see above? Woop Woop.. I'm proud to say that the children's centre here in Bourne and in Stamford are supporting Little Stars.. formally known as Team James.
The groups will run in both towns.. dates will be confirmed asap and it will go into all the flyer's for the new terms dates.... all the doctors surgery's, HV's midwives etc. and anyone else i can think where to put it.
I know it will be a success... maybe a little hard work but hey....... so so worth it.
My over all BIG PLAN is to have a session also called Big Stars for the next age group... and then to move on to the teenagers & parents. It will happen because i want it to.. and because as ever I'M extremely passionate about making this work.
I know i go on and on about stuff but you know me... when i have a plan.. it swings into action pretty damn quick...... OMG look at the time.. I'm missing holby.......... lol much love xx
Love you Annie and I enjoy reading your blog